
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Planning a book about needlebinding

I have for quite some time now been planning to make a book about needlebinding. I have been binding for about 6 years now and I really like the tekstiles that I get out of the little needle. It´s not going to be a very large book - more like a booklet. And since I have startet work in Bork Vikinghabour there has been requests for such a book. So this autum I´m going to devote some of my sparetime to make the text, take the photos and such. 
So at the moment I´m looking for references to both books, articles and finds of needlebinding from Europe and if you have any it would be a great help.
Here in Denmark we have some interested finds.

In the Mammengrave dated in the mittle of the 10th century were found a great chieftain. He had quite spectacular clothing with embroidery, brick weaving and also needlebinding in very thin metal treads.

Both pictures come from the Nationalmuseeum in Copenhagen. Go to their website to see more information about the grave.

From Ribe, which is the oldest town in Denmark, there has been found a mitten made in needlebinding. It is shown in their very good medieval excibition. I took some pictures of it and from the look of it the stitch use for this mitten is probably Oslo or Mammen.


  1. Spændende - det vil jeg glæde mig til at følge med i! :)

  2. That's very cool.
    Books about neddlebinding are very rare. Be sure, I will buy it.

  3. Another future reader here, from Portugal! :) Good luck on the project!

  4. Yeah, do this! I´m sure, there will be lots of buyers!

  5. Hey, I have talked about same thing several years... there are books about that but NOT for example in my beautiful language, finnish :)

    I have made a lot of items with needle and would love to share what I have learned. So: go for it, if you have a chance! Make us all happy!!

  6. looking forward to it!
    facinating the maman stitch was done in metal thread, i didn't know that!
    i will try to get some information for you on a 16th century needlebinding find from belgium. i've been meaning to do that anyway so :)

  7. I would be willing to distribute your book in Ireland! Good luck with it!

  8. This sounds really exciting Louise. I can't wait to hear more about it. I thought i had figured out the basics of needlebinding but alas I didn't have a clue once I got home and tried it out myself.

  9. Hej Louise!
    Om du inte har mitt häfte "Att nålbinda-ur ett historiskt perspektiv" skickar jag det gärna till dig så att du kan använda dig av mina källor.

  10. Kæreste Martina - du har været så utrolig sød at sende den til mig, så jeg har den allerede! :0)
    Den er blevet læst mange gange og jeg henviser ofte til den.

  11. Har du læst den ærkæologiske opgave om Nålebinding der ligger på nettet et sted?
    Den er skrevet af en på sjælland i år.
    Hvis ikke, så sig til, så finder jeg linket.

  12. Hej Maria. Nej det tror jeg ikke. Du må da meget gerne se om du kan finde linket - er altid glad for nye tekster :0)

  13. Hahaha, minnet är bra men kort! :)

  14. Don't know if you care about such silly things, but I gave you guys an award here:

    Keep up the good work!

  15. What fun! I'm adicted to nalebinding. Have you seen this website -

    Good luck with your book.

  16. i would love to buy that book(let) from you when it's finished! good luck!

  17. Lige nu ligger den stille - vi har åbning af vikingehavnen 1. april, og jeg er igang med at genopsætte vores udstilling med/ved Bork Tapetet. Til gengæld ligger jeg samtidig med tapetudstillingen lidt an til at lave et mindre hæfte omkring Bayeux og Bork Tapetet, og hvordan man laver nedlagt broderi. Så det kan være at der kommer to bøger på én gang...

  18. Hello! I am searching desperately for pictures of the Mammen nalbinding finds but can't find them anywhere! I came across your blog but the pictures are not loading! I don't suppose you have copies that you could email me, could you? I would be so grateful! Many thanks
    domini_walton (at)
