Sometime a couple of years ago I came across this text somewhere on the internet. I have read it several times and thought that I would recomend it to all you reenactors out there.
It is nothing less than period instructions to making, fishing rods, lines, hooks and catching bait.
The original text was first printed in 1496. And I believe that I have read somewhere that the text was written sometime in the earlier (around 1465).
Additional info can be found HERE.
What I really like about the text is the very detailed instructions on how to make a variety of items that the fisherman needs. Not only the preparation of the rods, but also how to make hooks from needles, how to make lines from horsetail-hair (and dye them in the correct colours), as well as where to find the correct worms and other animals for bait.
Even tools and matierals are described thoroughly.
The entire text can be read here: http://www.uoregon.edu/~rbear/berners/berners.html

There are lots of fun documents on 'angling' out there. Last year my husband and I went a little 'mad' on this topic. Our research and projects are documented here: http://hsifeng.livejournal.com/tag/fishing
ReplyDeleteThat looks great! I will definately have a look :-)
ReplyDeleteDo you know of any fishing rods made from the descriptions given in the text I am linking to?
I would be really interesting to see one.
Hei og takk for koselig hilsen på bloggen min :)
ReplyDeleteDu verden for en spennende blogg du har! Jeg ser at du er arkeolog og det må jo være et av verdens mest spennende yrker!
Gamle håndarbeidsteknikker er så spennende og jeg ser du har både brodert og drevet med plantefarging. Særlig er jeg interessert i plantefargingen og min svigerinne har holdt på med dette i årevis med nydelige resultater! Flott å kunne gjøre seg nytte av det som finnes i naturen rundt oss.
Jeg legger deg til i linklista mi for dette syntes jeg var veldig moro :)Ha en fin fredagskveld!
Hilsen Kardemomme :))