I have for quite some time now been planning to make a book about needlebinding. I have been binding for about 6 years now and I really like the tekstiles that I get out of the little needle. It´s not going to be a very large book - more like a booklet. And since I have startet work in Bork Vikinghabour there has been requests for such a book. So this autum I´m going to devote some of my sparetime to make the text, take the photos and such.
So at the moment I´m looking for references to both books, articles and finds of needlebinding from Europe and if you have any it would be a great help.
Here in Denmark we have some interested finds.
In the Mammengrave dated in the mittle of the 10th century were found a great chieftain. He had quite spectacular clothing with embroidery, brick weaving and also needlebinding in very thin metal treads.
Both pictures come from the Nationalmuseeum in Copenhagen. Go to their website to see more information about the grave.
From Ribe, which is the oldest town in Denmark, there has been found a mitten made in needlebinding. It is shown in their very good medieval excibition. I took some pictures of it and from the look of it the stitch use for this mitten is probably Oslo or Mammen.