I also found this picture from the Mendel Hausbuch at this fantastic site: Die hausbücher der Nürnberger Zwölfbrüderstiftungen
(It contains a great amount of 15th century craftsmen (as well as 16th and 17th century craftsmen))
A purse very similar to the one I made lies on the table.
Wow! A friend has just sent me a link to your blog, and I am really impressed. Wonderful jobs!
ReplyDeleteSeveral people in Spain are following, just now, your technique to make a leather flask water-proof.
Thanks a lot; and go on showing us those incredible pieces of wonderful craftmanship!
Thank you for reading! :-)
ReplyDeleteI am currently working on a new larger bottle. Same shape as the last one.
The real trick in making them waterproof is to do the stitches right. you really need to pull them tight. I use double threads, when sewing them. It makes for a stronger stitching.
Also It should be said that I am not the only contributor to this blog.
There is also my girlfriend Louise, and my brother in law, Simon.
So we are all one happy medieval family :-)